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The information you provide beyond your organization's name is strictly for record-keeping and contact purposes. A condition of entry into the competition is providing this information, including a contact person's email address and phone number. Your organization's name may be displayed should one of your entries place, but no other information will be made public.

To register, create your account by filling out the fields below.

= Required Info

Provide a brewery name, brewpub name, etc. Be sure to check the competition information for types of beverages accepted.
For U.S. organizations only.
Email addresses serve as user names.
Choose one. This question will be used to verify your identity should you forget your password.
Make your security answer something only you will easily remember!
Please enter only one person's name.
Select "Not Applicable" if you don't plan to submit any entries into the competition at this time.

Not all required fields have been filled out or selected. Required fields that are missing values are indicated with a star and/or in red above. Please scroll up as necessary.